Thigh lift – also known as thighplasty
with age the skin will lose its elasticity and sag. In the thighs the sagginess will be in the medial and anterior thigh areas. Also weight loss will affect your thighs, and create floppy thighs skin. A thigh lift will correct this condition.
There are several types of thigh lifts. Depending if the excess skin is horizontal or vertical, Dr Audi will examine you and advise the appropriate options for your case, to have well toned and firm thighs.
An inner (medial) thigh lift, which is the most popular, involves incisions in the groin fold. This procedure is indicated when the laxity is minimal in the medial thigh area. The incision is hidden in the groin area and under the bikini. In this case the excess skin is vertical
A vertical thighplasty, is indicated when the excess skin is horizontal. It involves a vertical incision starting at the groin crease and extending to the inner knee,This scar is visible as a hairline that will fade with time and is only seen when the inner thighs are exposed. A wedge of skin is removed from the inner thigh.
If the weight loss and laxity are severe. The thigh lift will be associated with an outer thigh lift , which is part of a body lift, where the hips waist and upper thighs are lifted together. ( see section on body lift).
The thigh lift procedure is done under epidural anesthesia in the hospital, and is an outpatient procedure. When stable the patient will go home the same day. After the third day a compressive garment will be worn. Silicone gel will be applied to fade away the scars for three months. After the procedure, pain is well controlled on oral medications.