Eyelid surgery will remove eyelid fold skin excess, that can obscure vision. Also this skin redundancy is accompanied with fat bulges that will give you a tired and sad appearance. And will give forehead skin creases in the long run. The lower eyelids fat bulging and skin excess if present will give also an older look appearance.
Eyelid surgery
In the upper and lower eyelid surgery. The fat bulges and skin excess are removed. It will restore a youthful and rested look to the surrounding area. The scars are hidden in the upper eyelid natural fold and in the lower eyelid ciliary margin. It will take time to see results after surgery, bruising and swelling are expected. Sometimes, this procedure will be associated to a brow lift .
In younger patients, the lower eyelids excessive bulges can be removed without skin incision, the transconjunctival blepharoplasty is indicated when there is no lower eyelid skin excess.
Upper eyelids
the incision line is hidden in the natural eyelid crease through which he wi excess skin, muscle, and fat will be removed.Fine sutures are used to close the incisions. The hidden scar will be a fine line.
Lower eyelids
The incision will be positioned under the eyelashes. The excess skin muscle and fat will be removed. Some cases will require tightening the lower eyelid muscle.
transconjunctival approach, is used when there is no excess skin. The incision is inside the eyelid. The excess fat will be removed through this transconjunctival incision.
The ‘skin pinch’ blepharoplasty removes only a bit of skin. It is usually associated with other procedures like a facelift, or in patient with strong lower eyelid support and only a little extra skin. Laser resurfacing can be used if there is poor quality wrinkly skin around the eyelids.
The use of hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers is a nonsurgical alternative for the lower eyelids. Soft tissue fillers can be injected into the tear trough (crescent-shaped under-eye area) to rejuvenate the appearance of the under-eye area. Results are varied and last approximately one year.
After blepharoplasty, a lubricating ointment will be applied to your eyes to protect them and prevent dryness. The ointment may cause temporary blurred vision.
Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, or others), naproxen (Aleve), and any other medications or herbal supplements that may increase bleeding.
stitches will be removed after five to sixth days.
After eyelid surgery
The eyelids areas is a very active areas we blink and move the eyelids many times per day. For this reason, final results will take few months.
The first two weeks will be the bruising period, you should keep your incisions lubricated with ointment and use eye drops, and cold compresses. Sleep with your head up. Significant bruising will resolve within two weeks.
Avoid straining, strenuous activities, such as aerobics and jogging, for 2 to 4 weeks. Also wear dark sunglasses and apply sunscreen to the eye areas.